Toy and game inventor resource
Hi, and welcome to the toy and game inventor resource the place where you can see for yourself what can be made from toy and game inventing.
Note that the invoices don't add up to $9,300 because some forms had to be returned at certain times of the year because of returns (after Christmas), etc. Also note that even though almost $10,000 after 4 and a half years, isn't bad, its nothing compared to what you could make from a board game, which is usually (depending on the contract agreement) $60,000 up front and usually $60,000 a year for a few years. Much better than $10,000! And highly recommended that you stay with board games as much as possible when developing your ideas. The Royalty-invoices start at October 1999 and finish at April 2004. Enjoy! 
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(18-18) Well, that's about it for the toy and game inventor resource, please click on the next page when ready.
Go to Toy and Game inventor introduction or Trade secrets.