Toy & Board Game Inventor-About me
Hi and welcome to the toy and game inventor about me page.
This is the page where l will explain a little bit about myself, why l set up this web site and if you are interested in setting up a web site yourself l will offer some very useful advice further on.
Ok! To make a long story short in 1987 after successfully completing year 11, and two years Art and Design l was at a crossroads; should l find work or try and create a successful business (back then l watched countless success business shows that made it look like anyone could make millions with a simple idea)!
So for the next 13 years l was in and out of several jobs ranging from a Stained-glass business to Computer publishing and Ceramics.
In between this l was trying every creative business idea that would allow me to do something l enjoyed and make a lot of money or at least an income!
I tried Stained-glass butterflies, Mouse-mats and T-shirt designs to name a few.
But unfortunately with the possible exception of T-shirts all of these ideas have a serious flaw in that you have to put a certain amount of effort in to get a set amount of cash out.
Sure l could have spent 5 to 10 years in abject poverty in Ceramics for example to make an income, hopefully substantial.
But after so many years of trying to find the product that was going to take off, (like it does on TV) and failing, l didn't want to go down that path and didn't believe that l deserved to after so many years of effort!
Then in 1999 when l was at a particularly low point financially; I had an idea for a coloured stacking jigsaw puzzle, l explained my idea to a local Puzzle shop and they told me to go to Blue-Opal (a local Toy Company) to show my idea to them.
They didn't think the idea was viable, but David (not his real name) did show me some large Puzzle books (book details are on this site) and l spent an hour going through them getting ideas for puzzles, etc.
I went back several times with out much luck until after about 7 failures, l came up with a successful concept!
It was eventually called Thread the Maze Puzzle (see picture on home page, and in Gallery), and after a year of development was sold worldwide.
After that l was hooked and spent the next 5 years trying to develop a career around this success; but after several years and several attempts in getting a board game accepted l realised that it would be better to see this as a fun hobby than a business.
And after realising the limitations of all the business ideas l tried in the past and the rags to riches stories on TV (the vast majority either where very lucky or had successful parents to help them have an early success); l realised that a serious rethink of my career options was in order.
At this time the Internet was coming of age and even though l kept hearing the usual rags to riches stories these seemed more plausible or could be reached by the majority of people who tried it. The Internet was relatively new in a commercial sense so l thought that it was worth looking into because it could have genuine opportunities!
I knew that initially l wanted to do an e-book on Board game etc success and do what the majority of people out there were doing.
Try and set up a web site selling an e-book (or other product's) on a site with little content or worth of its own.
Unfortunately 97% of web businesses out there don't work, (are virtually invisible to Search engines) unless you advertise heavily, (which is expensive) there is little to no traffic.
Even sites that cost tens of thousands of dollars to create may not have any traffic!
Then through dumb luck (or what l like to call a synchronized-event) l borrowed a book from my local library, l think it was called "The Dummies guide to Web site development" and there was a site that l checked out with many others (most after 7 years were not around any more) called SBI (a web hosting site in Canada)!
When l first entered the site l knew from the library book that it was definitely 7 years old and from independent research that it was in the top 1000 web sites on Alexa (an independent site ranking service).
Last l checked they were in the top 100!
Please click on the independent Alexa ranking to see for yourself.
An extremely successful web site considering there are more than 100 million active web sites around the world at present.
They had a free download called the Affiliate Masters Course a 165 page e-book; naturally l was very sceptical, especially after my past experiences, but had very little to lose by downloading it!
It turned out to be the best on or off-line e-book l have ever read about creating a web site that works!
Please note that the Video-Quick-Tour gives a breakdown of the Affiliate Masters Course e-book further down on this page!

| The Netwriting Masters Course will teach you everything you need to know about how to write as effectively as possible in creating a successful Web site.
Just click on The Netwriting Masters Course Link when ready for instructions for your free download! |

| The Make My Price Sell! Masters Course will teach you everything you need to know about how to choose the perfect price for your e-book or product!
Just click on the Make My Price Sell! Masters Course Link when ready for instructions for your free download! |

| FREE video series will show you some of Frank Kerns most cherished marketing secrets, and put more money in your pocket, Today! Click here to find out more... |

The reason why they are so successful is because even though they don't advertise at all, they do write up tons of excellent free on-line material and rely on word-of-mouth.
So there you have the reason why l am offering so much material, about this subject; because it is the only viable way of getting the Search-Engines attention to bring in more and more free traffic (SE,s love high quality, relevant content).
In the past l would put considerable effort into something that l would then need to put continuous effort into to make money.
This business is different if you set it up as a Infopreneur business.
In a Infopreneur business you work hard for lets say 6 months, then create a on-line business that gives you a constant stream of revenue that over the long term goes up by its self.
So l am literally creating an Asset that will one day require very little effort on my part to maintain (l have read in the SBI material about some people that forgot about their sites for a year and were stunned at the traffic and profits they were getting.
Please don't get me wrong SBI isn't a Get-rich-quick scheme (if it was l wouldn't have put almost 2 years of effort into this site concept)!
What it is, is an opportunity that is still viable and even though l will receive a nice profit if you click on the Built by Solo Build It button at the bottom of virtually all of my sites pages (and the Links on this page) and buy the one year hosting package.
I know especially after exhaustive research into web hosts, that they are the best hosting site in the world at present; especially since they are the only hosting site around that helps you step by step in creating the most successful site possible.
No other web hosting site that l know of does that!
Still not convinced? Please click on compare Sitesell to see for yourself.
The bottom line is that this is a viable business opportunity that can bring you more financial freedom that you have currently.
I wouldn't stake my sites reputation and credibility, if the above statement wasn't true!
If you are still unsure, they also offer a;
30 day full money back guarantee!
Please click on the POWERED BY: Solo Build It: button at the bottom of this page for more info!
*Like to see a half hour Video explaining the entire process of SBI (CTPM) and why 62% of SBI sites end up in the top 3% of all web sites available; please click on videotour.sitesell for more information.
And SBI is HTML friendly!
*Please note that this Video starts when you click on the link and if your Computer goes to screen-saver mode before the video ends it's best to move your mouse around occasionally (there is a lot of excellent information to take in and you won't want to be interrupted).
And it is shown in steps so you can watch some parts and come back later to see the rest if you want.
Please click on the POWERED BY: Solo Build It: button at the bottom of this page (or virtually any of my pages) to get the facts from the Ceo of SBI (Video) and testimonials from successful SBI,ers!
Thank you for visiting the toy and board game inventor-about me page.